North Dakota Highway Patrol Motor Carrier Operations enhances commercial motor vehicle safety with:
- Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP)
- Border Enforcement Program (BEP)
- New Entrant Program
- Size and Weight Enforcement
- Permitting and the E-permits system
ELD Resources:
- Agriculture, Hours of Service, and CDL Exemptions
- Ag Exemption Factsheet
- Electronic Logging Device (ELD) FAQ
- FMCSA Electronic Logging Device website
Truckers Against Trafficking Training Video

MARCH TRUCKING TIP: It’s Spring weight restriction season! View the current map at and click on the COMMERCIAL icon. Click to subscribe to DOT email updates.
Motor Carrier Operations works cooperatively with the NDDOT, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and the Federal Highway Administration. The Operations Commander and Assistant Chief of Operations oversee day-to-day activities.
The division includes six size and weight enforcement troopers; twelve traffic enforcement troopers that primarily conduct CMV inspections; three MCSAP Sergeants who oversee field operations; and a MCSAP coordinator. The division also has two civilian New Entrant auditors and one New Entrant safety supervisor. The permit office is staffed by a supervisor and two permit specialists.
Division goals include:
- Reducing commercial vehicle crashes by conducting commercial vehicle inspections, safety audits, compliance reviews, and coordinating the permit system.
- Protecting highway infrastructure through size and weight enforcement and permitting overweight/over-dimensional load movements.
Motor Carrier Operations has nine fixed weigh and inspection stations, thirteen weigh-in-motion sites, and numerous turnout locations in the state that are used for inspections and weight enforcement. Motor Carrier Operations develops the state’s size and weight enforcement plan and commercial vehicle safety plan.
Motor Carrier Publications
- Motor Carrier Driver's Handbook
- Electronic logging device FAQs
- Regional agriculture transportation handbook (NDSU Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute)
- 30-minute rest break provision
- Anhydrous ammonia regulations
- Annual vehicle inspections
- Rear-end protection
- US DOT numbers
- Weight limitations chart
- Truck weight calculator
Truck Routing Maps
- Maps for legal limitations
- Maps for permitted non-reducible vehicle and load movements (listed under Truck Routing Maps, halfway down the page).
Motor Carrier Resources
- Call Before You Haul Program (a 24/7 toll-free hotline for watercraft transporters)
- Entry Level Driver Training
- ND Association of Counties Interactive County Map (contact information for county permits)
- Alberta Transportation
- Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
- Iowa Motor Carrier Services
- Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation
- Minnesota Department of Transportation
- Montana Motor Carrier Services
- Nebraska Department of Transportation
- North Dakota Motor Carriers Association
- Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation
- South Dakota Department of Transportation
- Uniform County Truck Permits (ND)
- US DOT Federal Highway Administration
US DOT Number: obtained from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (701-250-4346).
Uniform County Truck Permits: obtained from Western Dakota Energy Association for non-reducible oversize/overweight vehicles and load movements traveling on county roads in coal, oil, and gas-producing counties
Solid Waste Transportation Permit: obtained from the ND Department of Environmental Quality's Division of Waste Management, 701-328-5166.
International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA): IFTA gives North Dakota motor carriers the option to renew licenses, file quarterly reports, and purchase additional decals online. Services are available through the North Dakota Department of Transportation, to access, visit NDDOT's motor carrier online services or call NDDOT 701-328-1287.
International Registration Plan (IRP): this service is available through the North Dakota Department of Transportation, contact NDDOT's Motor Carrier Services, 701-328-1287.
Unified Carrier Registration (UCR): obtained from the UCR website.