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2005 Testimony

Testimony Before The House Human Services Committee

Clara Sue Price, Chairman

Regarding House Bill 1110 - Moratorium on expansion of residential treatment bed capacity

January 5, 2005

Chairman Price and members of the Human Services committee, my name is Don Snyder and I serve as the Administrator of the Foster Care Program for the Department of Human Services. I am here today to present testimony regarding House Bill 1110. The Department supports the passage of this bill.

This bill was introduced to request a continuation of the moratorium placed on the expansion of residential bed capacity and was set at the number of beds licensed as of June 30, 2003. (See Attachment A (8kb pdf) for a listing of the current residential treatment centers (RTC) and their licensed bed capacity, and Attachment B (8kb pdf) for a listing of the current residential child care facility (RCCF) and their licensed bed capacity. )

The North Dakota Department of Human Services is currently working with residential facilities within North Dakota to identify service gaps, such as sexual offenders treatment, for youth who are placed out of state.

We are also in the process of developing a tool to measure appropriate levels of care at entry into the foster care system as well as progress in treatment. This tool will assist us in placing a youth at the appropriate level of care.

Given the current number of beds and the efforts that are on-going to assure appropriate utilization, the Department supports the extension of the moratorium through July 31, 2007.

Thank you. I would be willing to answer any questions the committee may have.


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