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2005 Testimony

Testimony Before The Senate Appropriations Committee

SB 2023 - Capital improvement projects at the State Hospital and the N.D. Developmental Center

January 12, 2005

Chairman Holmberg and members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, I am Ken Schulz, the Chief Financial Officer of the North Dakota State Hospital and North Dakota Developmental Center of the Department of Human Services. I am here today to provide information concerning needed repairs that are included in Senate Bill 2023.

North Dakota State Hospital

Water Tower Repairs – $110,000 - The North Dakota State Hospital has a 250,000 gallon water tower, which is needed to maintain adequate water pressure to State Hospital and James River Correctional Center buildings. Liquid Engineering Corporation of Billings, Montana inspected the water tower in the summer of 2004. Several safety and security repairs and improvements need to be made to assure the water tower complies with OSHA and AWWA (American Waterworks Association) regulations. Also, the interior of the tank needs to be sandblasted and painted. The estimate from Liquid Engineering is $117,078.

Repair and Maintenance of Roofs - $65,000 – All of the roofs on the Child/Adolescent Building have been repaired or replaced except the 600 wing, which houses the Division of Juvenile Services offices. This roof is showing some deterioration and leaking, and needs to be repaired to prevent further deterioration of the roof structure. In addition, portions of the tunnel roof between the Gronewald Middleton Building and the Child/Adolescent Building are in need of repair.

Replace Electric Transformers - $40,000 – Electrical transformers change electricity from high voltage to usable low voltage power. The State Hospital has 48 transformers providing electricity for the State Hospital and James River Correctional Center. Two transformers need to be replaced and six need to be repaired. On July 30, 2004, Great Plains Technical Services of Mandan estimated the cost of the repairs and replacement to be $40,530.

North Dakota Developmental Center

Colette Pool Filtration and Roof - $105,000 – The Colette Building contains a gymnasium, racquetball courts, exercise rooms and an indoor swimming pool. The building was built in 1967. The existing pool filtration system is leaking and needs to be replaced. Associated Pool Builders of Bismarck has estimated the cost to replace the existing vacuum D.E. filter with a dual cell pressure sand filter to be $55,350. The remaining amount will be used to repair or replace roofs throughout the campus.

Cedar Grove Roofing - $135,000 – The Cedar Grove Building is one of the main housing units for clients and was built in 1982. This building has a roof leak in the office area. An attempt to patch this area failed and there still are times when this roof leaks. To alleviate the problem the entire roof should be replaced on the commons area now and the living areas in a couple of years.

Thank you and I am willing to answer any questions.


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