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2005 Testimony

Testimony Before The Senate Human Services Committee

Judy Lee, Chairman

HB 1190 - Moratorium on the expansion of basic care bed capacity

February 15, 2005

Chairman Lee, members of the committee, I am David Zentner, Director of Medical Services for the Department if Human Services. I appear before you to provide information on this bill.

The bill is designed to clarify language regarding maintaining the current moratorium for basic care facilities. The bill makes it clear that no additional basic care beds can be added during the next biennium. Two exceptions to the rules are included, which do provide some additional guidance to the Department of Health and the Department of Human Services regarding the granting of exceptions to the moratorium.

Paragraph 2 establishes criteria for approving new facilities to receive payment through the Basic Care Assistance program. Since the Medicaid program pays for personal care services provided in a Basic Care Facility as an optional state plan service, we are obligated to pay for any Medicaid recipient who qualifies for the service. Room and board costs are subsidized using 100 percent state funds. The bill does obligate the Department to subsidize room and board costs for any new facility that demonstrates that individuals can be cared for at a more independent level and the service will delay entry into nursing facilities.

Paragraph 3 describes how beds acquired by an Indian tribe can participate in the Basic Care Assistance program.

The Department concluded that the extension of the moratorium would not have a fiscal impact on the appropriation in the next biennium.

If the Legislature chooses to extend the moratorium on the expansion of basic care beds, the Department will be able to implement the changes contained in this bill.

I would be happy to respond to any questions you may have.


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