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2005 Testimony

Testimony Before The Senate Human Services Committee

Judy Lee, Chairman

HB 1267 - Child protection services and DHS duties

February 23, 2005

Chairman Lee and members of the Senate Human Services Committee, I am Gladys Cairns. I serve as the administrator of child protection services for the Department of Human Services. I am here today to provide testimony on HB 1267.

In June of 2003, the National Child Abuse and Prevention And Treatment Act, which is the model act for our child abuse and neglect law, was amended. The amendments required several new provisions. North Dakota must certify that we have all 22 provisions in effect. We provide this certification annually when we write the Child Abuse and Neglect plan. Two of the new provisions correspond with the offered amendments to the North Dakota child abuse and neglect law in House Bill 1267. Those provisions are:

“(xviii) provisions and procedures to require that a representative of the child protective services agency shall, at the initial time of contact with the individual subject to a child abuse and neglect investigation, advise the individual of the complaints or allegations made against the individual, in a manner that is consistent with laws protecting the rights of the informant;

(xix) provisions addressing the training of representatives of the child protective services system regarding the legal duties of the representatives, which may consist of various methods of informing such representatives of such duties, in order to protect the legal rights and safety of children and families from the initial time of contact during investigation through treatment;”

For your review, I have attached the policy developed to meet the first of these two provisions. If HB1267 passes we will propose amendments to the current rules for child abuse and neglect assessments.

I have attached for your review, a copy of a pamphlet entitled, “What Happens Next? A Guide to the North Dakota Child Protection Services”, which is provided to the caregiver in a report of suspected child abuse or neglect.

I have also attached the outline for the curriculum we now use for the training of social workers who provide child welfare services in North Dakota. We contract with the University of North Dakota for this training.

Attached to this testimony is a fact sheet that provides you with information on North Dakota Child Protection Services.

I would be pleased to answer any questions the committee members may have. Thank you.

Attachment 1: Policy (8kb pdf)

Attachment 2: What Happens Next? (brochure)

Attachment 3: Training Curriculum (20kb pdf)

Attachment 4: CPS Fact Sheet (32kb pdf)


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