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2005 Testimony

Testimony Before The Senate Human Services Committee

Judy Lee, Chairman

SB 2304 - Early Childhood Services

January 24, 2005

Chairman Lee and members of the Senate Human Services Committee, I am Corinne Bennett. I serve as the administrator of early childhood services for the Department of Human Services. I am here today to provide testimony on SB 2304 and offer an amendment for clarification.

According to 50-11.1-02, “child care provided in connection with a church, shopping center, business, or other establishment where children are cared for during periods of time not exceeding four continuous hours while the child’s parent, guardian, or custodian is attending church services, shopping, or engaged in other activities, other than employment, on or near the premises” is exempt from licensure.

Child Care facilities that are exempt from licensure are not required to have a fire inspection, health and sanitation inspection, a child protection background check, a sexual offender background check and to maintain a staff child ratio.

For clarification, I request that the time period of care currently defined as “not exceeding four continuous hours,” read “not exceeding four continuous hours within a twenty-four hour period.” Based upon the manner in which the law is currently written, one could interpret that care can be provided for four continuous hours in the morning (am) and four continuous hours in the afternoon (pm).

I would be pleased to answer any questions the committee members may have.

Thank you.


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