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61th Legislative Assembly

N.D. Department of Human Services Testimony Before
The Senate Human Services Committee

Bill Number Date Presented Presenter Testimony Subject
HB 1157 2-25-09 Maggie Anderson, Medical Services Division Full benefit dual eligible individuals, the federal clawback, and Medicaid estate recovery
HB 1175 3-4-09 James Fleming, Child Support Enforcement Division Amendments to HB 1175 related to child support enforcement
HB 1303 2-25-09 Barb Fischer, Medical Services Division Factors considered in determining nursing home rates
HB 1307 2-25-09 Barb Fischer, Medical Services Division Nursing home rates and nonallowable costs
HB 1477 3-02-09 Maggie Anderson, Medical Services Division Pre-need funeral service contracts and Medicaid eligibility
HB 1478 3-02-09 Maggie Anderson, Medical Services Division State Children's Health Insurance Program eligibility at 200% federal poverty level
SB 2044 1-12-09 Maggie Anderson, Medical Services Division Moratorium on expansion of basic care bed capacity and long-term care bed capacity
SB 2094 1-12-09 Alex Schweitzer, Superintendent, Developmental Center & State Hospital (One Center) Nurse Practice Act exemptions
SB 2096 1-14-09 Andrew McLean, MD, Medical Director of the One Center Medical care of intoxicated persons
SB 2097 1-14-09 Tara Muhlhauser, Director, Children & Family Services Division Child protection services - definition of person responsible for child's welfare and who may receive confidential reports
SB 2098 1-14-09 Andrew McLean, MD, Medical Director of the One Center Civil commitment of a person requiring treatment due to mental illness or chemical dependency
SB 2158 1-20-09 Erik Elkins, Assistance Director, Medical Services Medical assistance services provided by advanced registered nurse practitioners
SB 2162 1-13-09 Jonathan Alm, Attorney, Legal Services Early childhood services: provider licensing and registration including issuance, denial, and revocation; background checks; CPR and first aid certification; and other changes to early childhood practices
SB 2168 1-21-09 Marlys Baker, Children & Family Services Division Relating to the confidentiality of autopsy reports (ND Child Fatality Review Panel)
SB 2174 1-21-09 JoAnne Hoesel, Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services Division Relating to residential care for children with autism spectrum disorder
SB 2198 1-21-09 Susan Wagner, Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services Division Traumatic brain injury (TBI) registry and the provision of services to individuals with TBI
SB 2283 1-27-09 Maggie Anderson, Medical Services Division Medicaid eligibility for pregnant women
SB 2287 1-26-09 Erik Elkins, Medical Services Division Medicaid family planning services waiver
SB 2346 2-11-09 Maggie Anderson, Medical Services Division Study of education, health, and welfare
SB 2391 2-02-09 Carol Cartledge, Public Assistance Alternatives to Abortion Services Program
SB 2420 2-02-09 Mike Schwindt, Child Support Enforcement Division Education and services to families in which parents do not reside in the same household
SCR 4025 2-25-09 Alex Schweitzer, ND State Hospital Study of the feasibility and desirability of transferring the State Hospital facilities and property to the Dept. of Corrections & Rehabilitation and contracting for treatment services


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