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61th Legislative Assembly

N.D. Department of Human Services Testimony Before
The Senate Judiciary Committee

Bill Number Date Presented Presenter Testimony Subject
HB 1095 2-18-09 Julie Hoffman, Children & Family Services Division Criminal history background checks and foster care and adoption programs
HB 1144 2-18-09 Jennifer Witham, Information Technology Services Division Confidentiality of information contained in records
HB 1159 2-18-09 Tara Muhlhauser, Children & Family Services Division Destruction of juvenile court records
SB 2115 1-12-09 Arlene Dura, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Sentencing alternatives and possession of firearms (felony convictions and economic assistance programs)
SB 2123 1-13-09 Jonathan Alm, Legal Unit Related to the Dept. of Human Services and criminal history record checks of licencees, employees, and others
SB 2293 2-02-09 Alex Schweitzer, State Hospital Superintendent Assault of State Hospital employees and to provide a penalty


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