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64th Legislative Assembly

N.D. Department of Human Services Testimony Before
The House Human Services Committee

Bill Number Date Presented Presenter Testimony Subject
SB 2073 3-16-2015 Alex Schweitzer, North Dakota State Hospital Superintendent Relating to security training, consultation, and assistance provided by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to the Department of Human Services (North Dakota State Hospital)
SB 2079 3-16-2015 LeeAnn Thiel, Medical Services Division Relating to the moratoria on basic care and nursing facility bed capacity
SB 2083 3-16-2015 Karen Tescher, Medical Services Division Relating to assisted living facilities
SB 2080 3-9-2015 Jennifer Barry, Children and Family Services Division Relating to the revision of seven sections of North Dakota Century Code chapter 50-11.1 relating to Early Childhood Services
SB 2047 3-4-2015 JoAnne Hoesel, Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services Relating to psychiatric residential treatment facilities for children and administrative rulemaking authority of the department of human services
SB 2063 3-4-2015 Julie Hoffman, Children and Family Services Division Relating to the Department receiving a copy of the termination of parental rights petition and summons
SB 2064 3-4-2015 Dean Sturn, Children and Family Services Division Relating to Foster Care in North Dakota
SB 2062 3-4-2015 Carol Cartledge, Economic Assistance Policy Division Relating to the administration of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
SB 2081 2-23-2015 Kelsey Bless, Children and Family Services Division Relating to definitions used in foster care homes for children and adults
SB 2065 2-23-2015 Karla Backman, Aging Services Division Relating to the Long-Term Care Ombudsman program and practices
SB 2082 2-18-2015 Carol Cartledge, Economic Assistance Policy Division Eligibility for Basic Care Assistance Program
HB 1359 2-3-2015 LeeAnn Thiel, Medical Services Division Basic Care rate setting
HB 1308 1-21-2015 Jim Fleming, Child Support Division Study and method for calculating child support payments
HB 1041 1-12-2015 Brendan Joyce, Medical Services Division Relating to pharmacy benefit management services for the Medicaid Expansion program
HB 1109 1-7-2015 Karla Backman, State Long Term Care Ombudsman Health care facility residents' rights
HB 1108 1-7-2015 Tina Bay, Director Developmental Disabilities Division Changing language in statute to people-first language - "individual with a developmental disability" or "individuals with developmental disabilities"


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