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67th Legislative Assembly

N.D. Department of Human Services Testimony Before
The Senate Industry, Business, and Labor Committee

Meets Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday

Bill Number Date Presented Presenter Testimony Subject
HCR 3013 March 10, 2021 Michele Gee, Economic Assistance Division Directing Legislative Management to consider studying issues related to employment restrictions in public assistance programs
SB 2244 Jan. 27, 2021 Jim Fleming, Child Support Division Relating to civil process fees and commissions on collections
SB 2222 Jan. 26, 2021 Caprice Knapp, Medical Services Division Relating to repeal of the Medicaid Expansion program; to provide for application; and to provide a contingent effective date
SB 2251 Jan. 26, 2021 Jon Alm, Legal Advisory Unit Relating to irrevocable itemized funeral contracts and Medicaid assets exempt for funeral expenses


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