Eligibility Factors and Benefit Determination for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) 400-19
Definitions 400-19-05
(Revised 1/1/2024 ML #3772)
(N.D.A.C. 75-02-01.2-01)
Adequate Notice – Notification of Adverse Action to a TANF household which must be generated no later than the close of business on the 3rd to the last working day of a month so the notice is received by the household no later than the date the household would normally receive benefits.
Adult-Supervised Supportive Living Arrangement – A private family or institutional setting (maternity homes) providing a supportive and supervised living arrangement, as evidenced by the assumption of responsibility for the care and control of the minor parent and dependent child by a caretaker within the 5th degree of relationship or an unrelated adult.
In addition to the care and control of the minor parent and dependent child, the provision of appropriate services are expected to be provided that promote long-term economic independence and the well-being of the minor parent and dependent child.
Advance (10-Day) Notice – Notification of Adverse Action to a TANF household which must be mailed or given to a household at least 10 days before the date of action.
Aged – Individuals age 65 or older, including the month age 65 is attained.
Alien – An individual who is still a subject or a citizen of a foreign country and who has not been granted US citizenship.
Alternative Response for Substance Exposed Newborns (ARSEN) - means a child protection response involving substance exposed newborns which is designed to provide referral services to and monitor support services for a person responsible for the child's welfare and the substance exposed newborn; and develop a plan of safe care for the substance exposed newborn. Participation in an ARSEN is voluntary and depends on the cooperation of the caregivers. (NDCC 50-25.1)
Applicant – An individual who is seeking a benefit under this chapter.
Assets – Any kind of property or property interest, whether real, personal, or mixed, which includes liquid assets (bank accounts) or non-liquid assets.
Assistance - Includes cash, payments, vouchers, and other forms of benefits designed to meet an eligible household's ongoing basic needs. Assistance does not include nonrecurring short-term benefits, work subsidies, refundable earned income tax credits, and supportive services provided to a recipient who is employed.
Base Month – The calendar month immediately before the processing month for which the income and circumstances of the TANF household are evaluated to determine the amount of any TANF benefits to be paid during the benefit month.
Benefit Month – The calendar month immediately following the processing month.
Benefits - The amount of assistance a household receives from Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), including the TANF benefit, special items of need, and supportive services, reduced by recoupments.
Born Out Of Wedlock - A child is considered to be born out of wedlock when:
- The child is born to a woman who is not legally married; or
- The child was born 301 days or more after the marriage is terminated by death, annulment, declaration of invalidity, divorce, or after a decree of separation is entered by a court.
Note: A child is not considered born out of wedlock if the child was born within 300 days after a marriage is terminated by death, annulment, declaration of invalidity, divorce, or after a decree of separation is entered by a court, even if the mother claims someone else is or may be the child’s biological father other than the man to whom she was married.
Budgeting – Household income assigned to a payment month that is used to compute eligibility and benefit levels. (Also see Prospective Budgeting and Retrospective Budgeting)
Business (Work) Day – The official working days of the week defined as the days between and including Monday to Friday, but do not include weekends and those public holidays during which the North Dakota Department of Human Services is closed.
Caretaker Relative – The relative designated by the TANF household who provides care and support to a minor child, is either eligible or ineligible, and:
- Lives with a dependent child or an SSI child under age eighteen, or a child who is a full-time student and who, by the last day of the month of their 19th birthday, will:
- Complete their training curriculum from a secondary school in order to receive a high school diploma or GED, or
- Complete their training at a vocational or technical school that is equivalent to secondary school, or
- Is a pregnant woman who has no other dependent child(ren) residing with her.
Calendar Month – The period of time that begins at midnight on the last day of the previous month and ends at midnight on the last day of the month under consideration.
Cash Contribution – Money, regular and irregular, given to a member of the household.
Cash Gift – Money given directly to a household member as a gift (e.g. birthday, graduation, wedding, Christmas, etc.)
Child Only Case - A case where the only eligible individuals are dependent children and the caretaker/relative is ineligible as a non-legally responsible caretaker (OU), or as a legally responsible caretaker due to being an SSI Recipient (SS), Disqualified Alien (DA), Disqualified Fleeing Felon/ Parole/Probation Violator (DD), or Disqualified Fraud (DF).
Child Support – A voluntary or court-ordered payment by non-custodial parents for the support of their child(ren).
Child Support Division – Any entity created by a state agency or any combination of state agencies, in execution of the state agency’s duties.
Citizenship – The legal status of being a citizen of a country.
Claim – The result of establishing an overpayment.
Closure – The determination of ineligibility for benefits for an ongoing case.
Collateral Contact – An individual who confirms information about a TANF household’s circumstances but does not reside with or is not a member of the TANF household.
Countable Income – Earned and unearned income that is not disregarded.
Countable Earned Income – Earned income that remains after applicable disregards have been subtracted from gross earned income.
County Agency – The county social service board.
Cure (as in Curing a Sanction) – A process the TANF recipient completes to resolve non-compliance with the JOBS or the Child Support Division Programs.
Custodial Parent – A parent who has physical custody of a child.
Days – Refers to calendar days of the month.
Note: When a specified due date falls on a weekend or holiday, consider the first working day as the due date.
Denial – The determination of ineligibility for benefits on a new application.
Department – The North Dakota Department of Human Services.
Department of Homeland Security - The federal agency that regulates the Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS) Department.
Dependent Care Expense – An expense deducted from income for the cost of caring for a child or adult.
Dependent Child – A needy child who:
- Lives in the home of a relative by birth, marriage, or adoption; and
- Is deprived of parental support or care; and
- Is Under the age of 18; or
Under the age of 19 and a full-time student in a secondary school or a vocational or technical school that is equivalent to secondary school, before the end of the calendar month in which the student attains age 19, the student may reasonably be expected to complete the program of such school.
Note: A child is considered a dependent child during the entire month of their 18th or 19th birthday and will retain student status for the entire month provided the child has attended school for any part of that month unless the child is a minor parent. (Also see definition of Emancipated Minor.)
Deprivation – A condition that exists when a dependent child is without parental support or care because at least one parent is continually absent from the home, incapacitated, disabled, aged, or deceased.
Disqualified Individual – An individual who is ineligible for TANF due to being determined a Disqualified Alien (DA), Disqualified Fleeing Felon/ Parole/Probation Violator (DD), or Disqualified Fraud (DF), Disqualified - Child Support (DM), or Disqualified - JOBS Sanction (DI). The length of disqualification may vary depending on the type.
Dividend – The amount of the profit distribution a shareholder receives, or the amount of the surplus distribution a policyholder receives.
Documentation – A written statement or verification that substantiates or validates an assertion made by an individual or an action taken by a person, (e.g. pay stubs, bank statements, written statement from employer, etc.).
Earned Income – Income currently received as wages, salaries, commissions, or profits from activities in which a household is engaged through either employment or self-employment. There must be personal involvement and effort on the part of the household for income to be considered earned.
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) – A federal refundable tax credit for low or moderate income working individuals and families. People may receive an EITC once a year as a refund.
Earned Income Disregard – A specific amount (percentage or dollar amount) subtracted from gross earned income.
Electronic Payment Card - A prepaid debit card TANF benefits are electronically transferred onto.
Eligible Caretaker Relative – An eligible caretaker relative who is in financial need and:
- Is related to a dependent child within the 5th degree of relationship whether by birth, marriage, or adoption; or
Note: If related to a dependent child within the 5th degree who is not their own child, the eligible caretaker relative cannot be under the age of 16 years.
- Is not a recipient of SSI benefits; or
- Is a pregnant woman; or
- Is a pregnant woman with no other dependent child and is herself incapacitated or whose spouse is incapacitated.
Note: A caretaker relative who is related to a dependent child within the 5th degree but who is not the natural or adoptive parent of the child, is eligible only if the caretaker relative:
- Is age 16 or older; and
- If married, whose spouse is absent from the home other than on a temporary basis.
Eligibility Factors – Conditions and standards an applicant or recipient must satisfy to be eligible for benefits.
Emancipated Minor – An individual under the age of 18 who:
- Has a marital status of married, separated, divorced, or widowed; or
- Is on active duty in the uniformed services; or
- Has been declared emancipated by any court of law.
Note: A child whose marriage is dissolved by annulment is not considered an emancipated minor.
Employability Plan (EP) – A written agreement that establishes the JOBS or Tribal NEW participant’s employment goals and steps for obtaining and retaining unsubsidized employment with a wage great enough to enable the participant’s household to become self-sufficient.
Employment Contractor - The agency and/or staff person responsible for directing and monitoring a participant's planning and activities that relate to the Job Opportunities and Basic Skills Program.
Excess Assets – The equity value of the countable assets that exceeds the household’s asset limit.
Expense – An amount subtracted from a household’s income when it is intended for a specific allowable expense.
Fair Hearing – A formal hearing conducted by the Office of Administrative Hearings where a ruling is made in favor or against an adverse action that was made in the eligibility determination and benefit amount.
Fair Market Value – Market value is the price an asset would currently sell for on the open market. The fair market value:
- In the case of a liquid asset such as cash, bank deposits, stocks, and commodities, one hundred percent of current market value.
- In the case of real or personal property, seventy-five percent of the estimated current market value.
- In the case of income, one hundred percent of current market value.
Family Violence – Physical acts that result in or threatens to result in physical injury to a person; sexual abuse; sexual activity involving a minor child; being forced to engage in non-consensual sexual acts or activities; threats of, or attempts at, physical or sexual abuse; mental abuse; or neglect or deprivation of medical care.
Financial Aid – Programs that financially assists students with the cost of attending post-secondary education. (e.g. PELL, BEOG, or SEOG Grants, Perkins Loan, PLUS or DEAL Loans, etc.)
Financially Responsible Person – A person legally responsible for or who has a legal duty to provide for the financial support of another person.
Fraud – Obtaining, attempting to obtain, or aiding and abetting another to obtain assistance benefits to which the person is not entitled, through intentionally false statements, representations, or the withholding of material information.
Fraud Overpayment – An overpayment that a court or administrative disqualification hearing determines was the result of fraudulent intent.
Full-time Student – A student who:
- If in a secondary school, is enrolled in classes which, if completed, will earn the student four or more units of credits;
- If in a vocational or technical school under state operation, a college, or a university, is enrolled in classes that, if completed, will earn the student 12 or more semester hours of credit during a regular term or 6 or more semester hours of credit during a summer term at an educational facility operating on a semester system, or 12 or more quarter hours of credit at an educational facility operating on a quarter system;
- If in a private vocational or technical school, is enrolled in classes which, according to a written statement from school officials, constitutes full-time enrollment;
- If enrolled in a accredited correspondence, alternative high school (GED), or adult basic education, or home schooled according to a written statement from school officials; or
- Is an individual participating in Job Corps, whether an adult or a child.
GED (General Education Diploma or General Equivalency Diploma) – A high-school degree awarded after successful completion of a series of examinations instead of attendance in a traditional classroom setting.
Good Cause – A determination that circumstances exist which exempt participation in an otherwise mandatory service or excuse an act which would otherwise lead to a penalty or disqualification.
Good Cause Decision-Making Principles – Principles that must be applied to an individual’s statements and information to determine if the requirements of good cause are met. These principles are:
- The individual claiming good cause is responsible to show that good cause exists.
- Uncorroborated statements of fact are less believable than corroborated statements.
- Statements by persons with a reputation for being untruthful are less believable than similar statements by persons without that reputation.
- A reputation for being untruthful exists if the files maintained by the department, the county agency, or the JOBS Employment Contractor contain evidence of untruthful statements made by the individual, or if the individual has made untruthful statements that are a matter of public record.
- Statements by individuals with a reputation for failures or delays in furnishing information necessary for official action are less believable than similar statements by individuals without that reputation.
- A reputation for failures or delays in furnishing information necessary for official action exists if the files maintained by the department, the county agency, or the JOBS Employment Contractor contain evidence of any failure or delay, without good cause, to furnish reports, including monthly reports, or necessary verifications, or a failure or delay in attending meetings or interviews intended to secure information necessary for official action.
- A statement of fact made by an individual with something to gain if that statement is regarded as true is less believable than a similar statement made by an individual with little or nothing to gain.
- An individual’s explanations or reasons for claiming good cause must be judged by a prudent person standard. A prudent person is one who exercises those qualities of attention, knowledge, intelligence, and judgment that society requires of its members for protection of their own interests and the interests of others.
Statements of fact made by the individual claiming good cause, or by other individuals who support or oppose the claim of good cause, are not presumed to be either truthful or untruthful. Rather, statements of fact must be evaluated to determine if they are more likely than not or less likely than not to be true.
Gross Earned Income – The income earned from employment before payroll deductions.
Guaranteed Student Loans – A federal educational loan program for post-secondary students.
Halfway House – A place that provides a temporary residence for people waiting for institutional placement or a place that provides a temporary residence for people who have left an institution and who are preparing to re-enter the community.
Head of Household – The Primary Individual of a TANF case.
Homeless – A person who lacks a fixed and regular nighttime residence, or a person whose primary residence is:
- A supervised shelter designed for temporary accommodations; or
- A halfway house or similar facility that provides temporary residence; or
- A place not designed for sleeping accommodations (bridge, lobby, etc.).
Household – Individuals who live together and are mandatory household members for TANF purposes.
Human Service Zone - means a county or consolidated group of counties administering human services within a designated area in accordance with an agreement or plan approved by the state agency.
IEVS (Income and Eligibility Verification System) – A set of data exchanges with other state and federal sources that is used to verify income and assets of applicants for or participants of TANF.
Immigrant – A person who leaves a country to settle permanently in another country.
Immigration and Naturalization Services – A department within Homeland Security that oversees immigration related services.
In-Kind Income – Payment, in a non-monetary form, for a service received to cover the cost of shelter, food, clothing, personal needs, household supplies or fuel and utilities.
Income – Earned or unearned income received by or available to an applicant or recipient that is not an asset.
Income-Producing Asset – An asset, liquid or non-liquid, that earns interest or produces income for the applicant or recipient.
Income When Received – Income which is received on a normally occurring schedule. Incidental variations of the date of receipt of income do not change the normally received date schedule.
Indian Land Held in Trust – Real property held in trust for an Indian Tribe by the federal government.
Indian Reservations – The geographical area recognized by the federal or a state government as being set aside for the use of Indians and governed by Indians.
Ineligible Caretaker Relative – A caretaker relative who is not an eligible caretaker relative. (Refer to Eligible Caretaker Relative.)
Ineligible Person – An individual who does not meet the TANF eligibility requirements.
Initial Eligibility – The determination of eligibility for an applicant.
Interview – A meeting, conducted over the phone, virtually or in person, to determine initial or ongoing eligibility for assistance.
IRA– Individual Retirement Account - A savings account recognized by the Internal Revenue Service for retirement purposes.
Irrevocable Trust – A trust which allows neither the person originating the trust nor the beneficiary to change the provisions of the trust.
Job Corps – A federally funded program providing training and employment to individuals age 16 to 21.
Job Opportunity and Basic Skills (JOBS) Program – The companion program to the TANF Program, which combines components of education, training, and employment to enable participants to become self-sufficient.
JOBS Participant – A member of the TANF household who is not exempt from participating in the JOBS Program or who, if exempt, has volunteered to participate in that program.
- An individual is considered a JOBS participant when the individual actually meets with the JOBS Employment Contractor to begin orientation to JOBS.
- An individual, who contacts the JOBS program to schedule an appointment for orientation, but fails to keep that initial appointment, is not considered a JOBS participant.
Joint Ownership – Two or more people owning the same asset. Each joint owner has rights to the entire asset, including the right to survivorship.
- Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) – A status of an immigrant legally admitted to the United States on a permanent basis, under the United States Immigration and Nationality Act.
Legal Custodian – An individual under legal obligation to provide care for a minor.
Legal Duty to Provide Care - The legal responsibility to provide care to an individual as conveyed by marriage, parentage or by court order. The legal responsibility ends:
- When the child turns age 18, or
- In the month of graduation, if the child is over age 18 and a full-time student who, by the last day of the month of their 19th birthday, will:
- Complete their training curriculum from a secondary school in order to receive a high school diploma or GED, or
- Complete their training at a vocational or technical school that is equivalent to secondary school.
Legally Responsible Caretaker - An individual who has a legal responsibility to provide support and care to a dependent child. In most situations, this is the mother or father.
Life Estate – Ownership allowing the occupancy and use of the asset during an individual’s lifetime according to North Dakota Statutes.
Life Tenant – The owner of a life estate.
Liquid Assets – Cash or property easily converted to cash such as stocks or bonds.
Living in the Home of a Relative – A circumstance that arises when a relative assumes and continues responsibility for the day-to-day care and control of a child in a place of residence (whether one or more) maintained by the relative as the relative’s own home. This includes situations in which the child or the relative requires medical treatment that requires a special living arrangement.
It also includes situations in which the child is temporarily absent from the home, with a plan to return, when the child:
- Physically resides in the home, but is under the jurisdiction of a court and is receiving probation services or protective supervision;
- Receives education while in an educational boarding arrangement in another community if needed specialized services or facilities are unavailable in the home community or if transportation problems make school attendance near home difficult or impossible;
- Receives physical or speech therapy at Camp Grassick during the summer months;
- Receives special education at the School for the Deaf or School for the Blind, whether as a day student or a boarding student, except that a boarding student’s needs are limited to those maintenance items that are not provided by the school; or
- Receives education at a federal boarding school in another community, provided that the child was not placed in that setting following removal from the child’s home by court order following a determination that the child was abused, neglected, or deprived, except that the child is entitled to a clothing and personal needs allowance only if that allowance is made available for the child’s use on a regular basis.
If the child is absent for a full calendar month for reasons other than the above, the child is no longer considered ‘Living In The Home of a Relative’.
Lump Sum – Payments received on a recurring, non-recurring or irregular basis.
Mandatory Household Member – An individual in a TANF household who is a dependent child, the natural, adoptive or stepparents of the dependent child, and brothers and sisters of the dependent child whether by whole or half-blood, marriage or by adoption. This includes household members temporarily residing away from home.
Mass Change – A change brought about by a shift in federal or state policy which affects many or all assistance units.
Maternity Home – A facility that provides residential care for pregnant women.
Migrant Worker – An individual who travels away from home on a regular basis, usually with a group of other laborers, to seek employment in an agriculturally related activity.
Minimum Required Hours - The number of hours per week/month during which a participant must be engaged in approved work activity.
Minimum Wage – The lowest wage established by law that an employer may pay an employee.
Minor Parent – An individual who has a marital status of never married, is under age 18, and is a natural or adoptive parent to a child. An individual is considered age 18 on the first day of the month of their 18th birthday.
Note: An individual under age 18 and pregnant is not considered a minor parent.
Month of Application – The calendar month in which a county agency receives a client’s application for assistance.
Month of Ineligibility – The month following a Sanction Penalty Month in which the entire household is not eligible for TANF.
Monthly Income – Income from any source, either earned or unearned, which is computed and reduced to monthly units for the purpose of determining eligibility and benefits. Income may be received weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, monthly, intermittently, or annually, but is computed and considered monthly.
Monthly Reporting – The requirement to complete a Monthly Report Form every month.
Motor Vehicle – A motorized road vehicle used to transport people – car, pickup, or van.
Needy – A TANF household, otherwise eligible under this chapter, whose countable income, less any applicable disregards and expenses, is less than the identified TANF Basic Standard of Need table plus the $45 OH (out of home) allowance and special items of need if applicable, for a family of the size and composition of the household.
Non-custodial Parent – A natural or adoptive parent who is not living in the home.
Non-legally Responsible Relative – A relative who is not a child’s parent by law.
Old Age Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI) - The Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund, the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, or the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund, also known as RSDI (Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance). The programs are administered by the Social Security Administration and provide a monthly income to retired people, survivors or dependents of insured people, and people with disabilities.
Otherwise Eligible – An individual determined to be TANF eligible, with the exception that the individual may still need to comply with the Up-front Eligibility requirement for JOBS/Tribal NEW or it is reasonable to believe the family will be eligible for TANF because it appears deprivation exists. The family is income and asset eligible and household composition has been determined but verification may be pending.
Overpayment – Benefits received that exceed the amount for which the household is eligible.
Parent – A child’s mother or father, whether by birth or adoption, but does not include:
- An individual whose parental rights have been terminated; or
- A stepparent, when the natural or adoptive parent resides in the home.
Paternity – Legal fatherhood established by marriage, adjudication in a court proceeding, adoption, or the voluntary acknowledgement of paternity. The United States Supreme Court has made it clear that the statutory term "parent" includes only "an individual who owed to the child a state-imposed legal duty to support."
Payee – The individual to whom a benefit is paid.
Payment Month – The calendar month for which assistance is paid.
Part-time Student – An individual enrolled in a secondary school, vocational school, technical school, college, or university who is not a full-time student.
Pension – A fixed sum paid regularly to disabled or retired individuals, and in some instances to their dependents.
Personal Property – Any asset which is not real property.
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) – An agreement signed into law on August 22, 1996 which eliminated the federal entitlement program of Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and created a new program called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). PRWORA provides block grants to states to offer time-limited cash assistance.
Post-Secondary School – A school serving students beyond the 12th grade, such as community college, university, or technical college.
Primary Individual (PI) – The caretaker in the household to whom the agency directs correspondence and notices, and to whom the benefit is paid.
Processing Month – The month immediately after the base month in which the county agency determines eligibility for and the amount of benefit to be paid during the benefit month.
Proof of Performance (POP) - A specific period of time not less than 10 days and not more than 30 days during which a sanctioned individual can cure their JOBS sanction by demonstrating successful participation in the JOBS program.
Prorate – An action in which initial benefits are calculated from the date of application or the date all eligibility factors are met, whichever is later.
Prospective Budgeting – The determination made only with respect to the initial month of eligibility and the month immediately after the initial month of eligibility. This is based on the best estimate of the income and circumstances of the TANF household in those months.
Prospective Eligibility – Eligibility based on circumstances in the payment month for initial application or new household members.
Protective Payee – An individual outside the TANF household who receives the TANF benefit on behalf of the household.
Prudent Person Concept - A method or program administration that relies upon individual staff member’s to:
- Exercise judgment in requesting, reviewing, and weighing information provided by an applicant, recipient, or any source of verification; and
- Be attentive, vigilant, cautious, perceptive, and governed by reason and common sense; and
- Quickly and accurately determine that the information is adequate for making an eligibility decision or that further exploration of the circumstances is necessary.
The decision arrived at when applying this concept must be documented.
Real Property – Land, all buildings, structures, improvements, or other fixtures belonging or pertaining to the land and all mines, minerals, fossils, and trees on or under it.
Recipient – An individual who receives cash assistance under this chapter.
Recoupment – The withholding of part of the TANF household’s assistance benefit to recover an overpayment.
Refugee Cash Assistance – A program that provides financial assistance to refugees during the first eight months the individual resides in the United States. Individuals eligible for this program may receive their benefits through either the Refugee Cash Assistance Program or a grant under the Wilson/Fish Alternative Program.
Relative by Birth, Marriage, or Adoption – An individual related to the dependent child by birth, blood or half-blood, marriage (including a marriage that has been terminated by death or divorce) or by adoption.
Remainderman - Owner of the right to possess the property of a life estate after the death of the life tenant.
Remainderman Interest – The portion of the property owned by the Remainderman.
Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) – The Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund, the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund, or the Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund, also known as OASDI (Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance). The programs are administered by the Social Security Administration and provide a monthly income to retired people, survivors or dependents of insured people, and people with disabilities.
Retrospective Budgeting – A determination of the grant amount for a benefit month which is based on income and circumstances of the TANF household during the base month.
Revocable Trust – A trust which can be revoked or dissolved by the grantor. A trust which allows modification or termination by a court is considered to be a revocable trust since the grantor or the representative of the grantor can petition the court to terminate the trust. A trust which is called irrevocable but which terminates if some action is taken by the grantor is considered to be revocable trust.
Sanction – An adverse action taken against an individual who does not cooperate with program requirements.
Sanction Penalty Month – The month the financial needs of the sanctioned individual are removed from the TANF benefit.
Sanction Progression – The closure of the TANF case that results when a sanction is not cured.
Satisfactory Progress – The determination of whether a participant is maintaining progress in the assigned JOBS activity.
Secondary School – An accredited school that includes grades 7 through 12, or a technical, vocational, or GED program that is equivalent in nature.
Self-Employment – Employment where people work for themselves rather than an employer.
Self-employed individuals:
- Earn the income directly from a business or trade, not from wages or salary from an employer.
- Are responsible for the payment of entire Social Security and Federal withholding taxes. [If an employee, the employer would pay half of their Social Security Tax and withhold federal income tax from the employee’s salary.]
- File self-employment tax forms, however, not all individuals file tax forms.
Self-sufficient – Securing income sufficient to require closure of TANF.
Siblings – Brothers and sisters (including full, half, or step) who are related through birth, adoption, or marriage.
Social Security Act – A federal law authorizing such programs as TANF, SSI, Medicaid, and RSDI.
Special Items of Need – Additional benefits to reimburse certain expenses not covered by the TANF monthly benefit.
Sponsor – Any person or public or private agency or organization who signed an affidavit agreeing to support an Immigrant as a condition of the immigrant’s entry into the United States.
SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) - A payroll tax-funded, federal insurance program managed by the Social Security Administration to provide income to people who are unable to work because of a disability. The program is administered under Title II of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C.).
SSI (Supplemental Security Income) – A program administered under Title XVI of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1381 et seq.).
Standard Employment Expense Allowance - The twenty-seven percent or $180, whichever is greater, that is first disregarded from countable earned income.
Standard of Need – Basic – The six basic items of need, which represent 100% of the TANF Basic Standard of Need as currently defined by the department, are shelter, food, clothing, personal needs, household supplies, and fuel and utilities.
Standard of Need – Total – An amount equal to the TANF Basic Standard of Need plus any special items of need and $45 Out of Home Allowances for which the household may be eligible.
State Exemption Determination Team (SEDT) – The TANF/JOBS Policy Unit who determine exemptions for the ‘Verified Provider of Care to a Disabled Household Member (VP)’ and the exemption to the ‘Lifetime Limit’ requirement.
State Review Team (SRT) – A physician and qualified worker who determine disability, incapacity, and JOBS good cause to temporarily excuse individuals from program requirements.
Stepparent – A person legally married to a parent after the birth or adoption of a child who is not the parent of that child by either birth or adoption.
Note: A child born after a marriage is dissolved is not a stepchild to the ex-spouse.
Striker – An employee involved in a work stoppage, slowdown, or interruption of work, whether or not the employee voted for the strike.
Supplemental Benefit – A second or subsequent benefit paid to a household.
Supportive Services – Additional benefits or services intended to enable TANF recipients to enter into or remain in an allowable work activity under the JOBS Program.
Suspension – A one-month interruption in eligibility for benefits resulting from excess earned or unearned income due solely to the receipt of an extra check from a recurring source.
Technical Eligibility – Financial and non-financial eligibility requirements encompassing criteria such as income, assets, citizenship, residency, student or striker status, etc.
Temporary Absence – A period of time an individual may be physically absent from a residence but still considered to be a part of the TANF household.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) – A program administered under North Dakota Century Code Chapter 50-09 and Title IV-A of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601, et seq.) during periods beginning July 1, 1997.
Terminated Source of Income – Income, earned or unearned that ends and is not anticipated to begin again. The final payment must be received in either of the first two prospective months of eligibility.
The Act - The Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 301 et seq.).
Time Limited Percentage (TLP) – The disregard of a percent of the earned income of an employed TANF household member which decreases as time passes.
Title II – Title II of the Social Security Act (Social Security benefits).
Title IV-A – Title IV-A of the Social Security Act (TANF effective July 16, 1996).
Title IV-D – Title IV-D of the Social Security Act (Child Support).
Title IV-E – Title IV-E of the Social Security Act (Foster Care and Adoption Assistance).
Title XVI – Title XVI of the Social Security Act (Supplemental Security Income – SSI).
Treasury Offset - The Financial Management Service, a bureau of the US Department of Treasury, intercepts Federal and/or State payments of an individual who fails to pay certain obligations.
Note: The most common type of Treasury offset is from Federal income tax refunds. However, several other sources, such as Social Security benefits, federal salaries, and Federal and/or State payments may also be offset.
Tribal Member – An individual enrolled in a federally recognized tribe.
Trust – Any arrangement in which a grantor transfers money or property to a trustee(s) with the intention that it be held, managed, or administered by the trustee for the benefit of certain designated persons (beneficiaries). Property held by one individual for the benefit of another.
Underpayment – A correction to benefits paid a household who was originally paid less than they were eligible to receive.
Unearned Income – Income (other than earned) an individual receives without being required to perform any labor or service.
Uniformed Services – The United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. The National Guard or Reserves are not included in this definition unless the member is called to active duty or full-time occupation.
Unreimbursed Public Assistance (UPA) – The portion of the TANF benefit paid to a family on behalf of a child which has not been reimbursed to the State of North Dakota.
US Citizen – The status of being a native born or naturalized citizen of the United States.
Used Car Guide and Internet Car Guide – A resource which provides standard values for motor vehicles.
Vendor Payment – A payment made directly to a provider of goods and services on behalf of the TANF household.
Verification – The process and evidence used to establish the accuracy or completeness of information from an applicant, recipient, third party, etc.
Veteran’s Benefits – Benefits and services provided by the United States Veterans Administration (VA) to people who have served in the United States armed forces and their dependents.
VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) - A public service program authorized under the Domestic Volunteer Service Act and later incorporated into the AmeriCorps network of programs in 1993.
WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) – A program signed into law on July 22, 2014, WIOA is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need. WIOA supersedes the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and amends the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, the Wagner-Peyser Act, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
WIC (Women, Infants, and Children Nutrition Program) – A federal program authorized by the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 to provide nutritious food and nutrition education to low-income pregnant and postpartum women and children.
Work Study – Federal or non-federally funded employment arranged for students by a post-secondary school.
YouthBuild USA – A program funded by the Department of Labor intended to enable disadvantaged youth ages 16 to 24 to obtain the education and employment skills necessary to achieve economic self-sufficiency in occupations in demand, to include post-secondary education and other training opportunities. Eligible participants spend up to 12 months in the program, dividing their time between classroom setting and an employment site. Currently the Turtle Mountain YouthBuild Program is the only YouthBuild USA program in North Dakota.