Household Composition Chart 430-05-25-30

(Revised 01/01/04 ML2893)

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  1. Parent(s) with child 22 years old or older



1 Household*

Household 1 - Parent(s)

Household 2 - Child

  1. Parent(s) with child 21 or younger (Child not married nor a parent)



1 Household*


1 Household*

  1. Parent(s) with child 21 or younger (Child married and/or a parent & spouse and/or minor child reside in household)



1 Household*



1 Household*

  1. Parent(s) with two children, age 22 & 18 (Neither child married nor a parent)



1 Household*

Household 1 - Parent(s)/18 year old

Household 2 - 22 year old

  1. Parent(s) with two children, age 22 & 18 (18 year old has spouse/minor child in household)



1 Household*

Household 1 - Parent(s)/18 year old/minor child

Household 2 - 22 year old

  1. Adult (not parent) and child, age 17 (Adult is supporting 17 year old, no other household members)



1 Household*


1 Household* - Parental

Control Rule

  1. Adult (not parent) and 18 year old (Adult has only income in household)


1 Household*

Household 1 – Adult

Household 2 - 18 year old

  1. Adult (not parent) and child, age 17 (Adult is supporting 17 year old, 17 year old has spouse/minor child in household)



1 Household*


1 Household* - Parental

Control Rule

  1. Brother & sister, both over age 18 (Brother has only income, no other household members)



1 Household*


Household 1 – Brother

Household 2 – Sister

  1. Brother age 20 & sister age 16 (Brother is supporting 16 year old, no other household members)



1 Household*


1 Household* - Parental

Control Rule

  1. Brother age 20 & sister age 16 (Brother has only income, sister has spouse/minor child residing in household)



1 Household*


1 Household* - Parental

Control Rule

  1. Parent(s) with child 21 years old and child's spouse 22 years old



1 Household*


1 Household*

  1. Parent(s) with child 22 years old and child's spouse 18 years old


1 Household*

Household 1 - Parent(s)

Household 2 - 22 year old and spouse age 18


  1. Brother and sister both under age 18, both are working - no parental control


1 Household*

Household 1 - Brother

Household 2 - Sister



* 1 Household - All members in the household must be included in one SNAP household.