Able-bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD) 430-05-40-50

(Revised 10/1/2023 ML 3752)

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An ABAWD is an individual ages 18 through 52 who is able to work and has no children under 18 years of age in their SNAP household. An individual is not considered an ABAWD until the month following their 18th birthday and is no longer considered an ABAWD the month they turn age 53.

ABAWDS who are not exempt from the ABAWD provisions are only entitled to three months of benefits (consecutive or otherwise) during a 36 month period.

A household containing an individual who is not exempt from the ABAWD provisions must be assigned a 6-month review period, however, the individual is only eligible for a maximum of three ABAWD months or the extended three month benefit period.

Prorated, zero benefit months or months where a recoupment occurs resulting in the household not receiving a full benefit amount, will not count as an ABAWD month.


When an ABAWD received non-exempt or extended months in error the months must be manually removed as countable months.


Single individual applies for SNAP on March 15 and is not exempt from the ABAWD requirements. Application is approved for March as a prorated month and April, May and June as NE months. Case is close the end of June for failure to comply with ABAWD requirements.

In December, the worker discovers the household was employed at the time of application working 40 hours a week with income resulting in total overpayments. April, May and June must be removed as countable months as this individual would have been exempt from the work requirements.