Confidential Information that Must Not be Released 448-01-25-10-05
(Revised 3/1/12 ML #3304)
Certain information must not be released to any individual or agency, even when the applicant/recipient has signed a Release of Information. Information that must not be released includes:
- Information obtained from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This information is the property of the IRS and is identified as UFO and BENDEX Wage hits received through the IEVS Interface. It may only be used to determine eligibility, ongoing benefits or payments for Economic Assistance or Health Care Coverage Programs.
- Information obtained through the Vital Statistics Interface with the ND State Health Department. This information is the property of Vital Statistics office at the North Dakota Department of Health. Information received through the Vital Records interface may only be used to determine eligibility, ongoing benefits or payments for Economic Assistance or Health Care Coverage Programs.
- Information obtained through the Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) Interface with Job Service of North Dakota. This information is the property of Job Service North Dakota and may only be used to determine eligibility, ongoing benefits or payments for Economic Assistance or Health Care Coverage Programs.
- Information obtained through Social Security Administration (SSA) Interfaces. This information is the property of SSA and may only be used to determine eligibility, ongoing benefits or payments for Economic Assistance or Health Care Coverage Programs.
NOTE: SSA information, with
exception of BENDEX Wage, received
through the interface may be released
to the applicant or recipient with a signed
release of information but cannot be
released to any other individual or agency.
SSA information provided by the
applicant or recipient may be shared
upon receipt of a signed release of
information from the applicant or recipient.
- Information obtained through Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlement Program (SAVE) The information is received through an interface with the Department of Homeland Security and may only be used to verify immigration status of applicants and recipients who are not U. S. Citizens.