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Third Party Query Procedure (TPQY) 448-01-50-15-55

(Revised 3/1/12 ML #3304)  

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TPQY (Function 28 on INME in TECS) is an on-line method of verifying Social Security Administration (SSA)/Supplement Security Income (SSI) benefit information, Medicare/Buy-in information and quarters of coverage. It will serve as the data source for information that is not available through the SDX inquiry (Function 17 on INME in TECS).


The inquiry can be completed by using the individual’s social security number (SSN) or claim number. When inquiring using the SSN, if the record comes back with a cross-reference claim number, do another inquiry using that claim number. When inquiring by the claim number, only SSA/Medicare (TPQ1) information will be received as SSI information has to be queried by SSN.


NOTE: TPQY cannot be accessed to verify SSA/SSI benefits for individuals that are only in receipt of Basic Care Assistance Program (BCAP), Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) and/or LIHEAP. If verification is obtained for TANF, Medicaid, Healthy Steps or SNAP it may also be used for BCAP, CCAP or LIHEAP.


TPQY information is received from an interface with SSA and may only be used to determine eligibility, ongoing benefits or payments for Economic Assistance or Health Care Coverage Programs. This information:




This information can be released to the applicant, recipient or authorized representative with a signed release.














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