(Revised 1/1/08 ML 3118)
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All applicants/providers and anyone the age of 128 or over living in the foster home, other than foster care recipients, are subject to mandatory state and nationwide background checks. Individuals who provide respite care in the home of a provider or those acting substitute caregivers are also subject to the state and nationwide background check requirement.
Fingerprints need not be taken and a nationwide background check need not be made if an individual:
Has resided continuously in this state for eleven years or since reaching age 18, whichever is less;
Is on active United States military duty or has resided continuously in this state since receiving an honorable discharge; or
Is excused from providing fingerprints under rules adopted by the department.
The fee for fingerprinting is the responsibility of the individual.
the individual is responsible to complete the fingerprint cards, in addition to SFN 466 and SFN 467, and return all three forms to the County Social Service Office. The forms are reviewed for completion and are sent to the Division for processing.
Copies of this form can be obtained from the Division Office by contacting the AFFC Program Administrator.