Banks and Trusts Questions

Banks and Trusts Questions

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How do I determine if my bank is regulated by the North Dakota Department of Financial Institutions?

How do I determine if my bank is regulated by the North Dakota Department of Financial Institutions?

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Is there a way to determine if I have unclaimed property in North Dakota?

Is there a way to determine if I have unclaimed property in North Dakota?

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How do I file a complaint against a credit card company?

How do I file a complaint against a credit card company?

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What is the dormancy period for when unclaimed property is to be presumed abandoned and what are the procedures to report abandoned property in North Dakota?

What is the dormancy period for when unclaimed property is to be presumed abandoned and what are the procedures to report abandoned property in North Dakota?

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When does a bank need permission from the Department to declare and pay a dividend?

When does a bank need permission from the Department to declare and pay a dividend?

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What are the requirements when a real estate parcel is transferred into Other Real Estate Owned (OREO) in North Dakota?

What are the requirements when a real estate parcel is transferred into Other Real Estate Owned (OREO) in North Dakota?

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What is the holding period for OREO and when does the holding period begin in North Dakota?

What is the holding period for OREO and when does the holding period begin in North Dakota?

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What is the legal lending limit in North Dakota and how is it calculated?

What is the legal lending limit in North Dakota and how is it calculated?

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If a non-public depositor's (e.g. a nursing home or non-profit corporation) deposits exceed the FDIC insurance limit, can a bank pledge securities to secure those excess deposits in North Dakota?

If a non-public depositor's (e.g.

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What securities are eligible for pledging to a public corporation's deposits in North Dakota?

What securities are eligible for pledging to a public corporation's deposits in North Dakota?

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Is there a residency requirement for Board members of North Dakota state-chartered banks?

Is there a residency requirement for Board members of North Dakota state-chartered banks?

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If I work at a state bank, am I allowed to telework, work in a location other than the bank's office(s)?

If I work at a state bank, am I allowed to telework, work in a location other than the bank's office(s)?

Credit Unions Questions

Credit Unions Questions

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How do I determine if my credit union is regulated by the North Dakota Department of Financial Institutions?

How do I determine if my credit union is regulated by the North Dakota Department of Financial Institutions?

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Where can I find financial information about a credit union?

Where can I find financial information about a credit union?

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I don't understand my deposit statement? Who can help me with that?

I don't understand my deposit statement? Who can help me with that?

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I have legal issues with my credit union. Can the Department help me?

I have legal issues with my credit union. Can the Department help me?

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Is it legal for a credit union to charge me fees?

Is it legal for a credit union to charge me fees?

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Where can I find regulatory guidance dealing with credit unions?

Where can I find regulatory guidance dealing with credit unions?

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I do not understand a State rule regarding credit unions. Is that something the Department can help with?

I do not understand a State rule regarding credit unions. Is that something the Department can help with?

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I do not understand part of an NCUA rule. Is that something the Department can help with?

I do not understand part of an NCUA rule. Is that something the Department can help with?

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My credit union would like to establish a branch location. Do I need to apply for approval?

My credit union would like to establish a branch location. Do I need to apply for approval?

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If a property securing a loan is within the credit union's geographical field of membership, but the borrower does not live in the field of membership, is the borrower eligible for membership?

If a property securing a loan is within the credit union's geographical field of membership, but the borrower does not live in the field of membership, is the borrower eligible for membership?

Non-Depository Questions

Non-Depository Questions

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Who should I contact to address concerns relating to my NMLS account?

Who should I contact to address concerns relating to my NMLS account?

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Does North Dakota regulate the content of a website (URL) address? Please note this is not referring to the contents of the website. If so, what are the general requirements for URL address?

Does North Dakota regulate the content of a website (URL) address? Please note this is not referring to the contents of the website. If so, what are the general requirements for URL address?

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If a legal name of a company is not included in the website (URL) address, is the website required to be registered as a DBA?

If a legal name of a company is not included in the website (URL) address, is the website required to be registered as a DBA?


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If the legal name of a company is not included in the website (URL) address, should the website be listed in the company's NMLS profile?

If the legal name of a company is not included in the website (URL) address, should the website be listed in the company's NMLS profile?

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If the legal name of a company is not included in the website (URL) address, should the website be registered with the Secretary of State (or like agency)?

If the legal name of a company is not included in the website (URL) address, should the website be registered with the Secretary of State (or like agency)?

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If the legal name of a company is not included in the website (URL) address, should the website be a subset of the company's primary website (URL) address? (example wwwcompanyname/

If the legal name of a company is not included in the website (URL) address, should the website be a subset of the company's primary website (URL) address?

Non-Depository Questions - Collection Agencies

Non-Depository Questions - Collection Agencies

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What type of activity requires a collection agency license in North Dakota?

What type of activity requires a collection agency license in North Dakota?

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Do I need a license if I collect business or commercial debt?

Do I need a license if I collect business or commercial debt?

Yes, the broad definition of debt collection includes both consumer and commercial debt.

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Do I need a license if I merely purchase debt?

Do I need a license if I merely purchase debt?

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Do I need a license if I purchase debt that is in default but use a licensed third-party debt collection agency to collect the debt?

Do I need a license if I purchase debt that is in default but use a licensed third-party debt collection agency to collect the debt?

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Who is exempt from licensure as a collection agency in North Dakota?

Who is exempt from licensure as a collection agency in North Dakota?

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How can I determine if an individual or entity is licensed as a collection agency in North Dakota?

How can I determine if an individual or entity is licensed as a collection agency in North Dakota?

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What are the requirements to be a collection agency in North Dakota and how do I obtain a license?

What are the requirements to be a collection agency in North Dakota and how do I obtain a license?

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Is North Dakota a state which requires a physical presence for its collection agency license?

Is North Dakota a state which requires a physical presence for its collection agency license?

North Dakota does not require a physical presence for its collection agency license.

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What are the fees associated with obtaining a collection agency license in North Dakota?

What are the fees associated with obtaining a collection agency license in North Dakota?

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How often do I need to renew my collection agency license?

How often do I need to renew my collection agency license?

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If I work for a licensed collection agency, am I allowed to telework, work in a location other than the collection agency's headquarters?

If I work for a licensed collection agency, am I allowed to telework, work in a location other than the collection agency's headquarters?

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What are some general protections for consumers relating to collection agencies?

What are some general protections for consumers relating to collection agencies?

Non-Depository Questions - Debt-Settlement Providers

Non-Depository Questions - Debt-Settlement Providers

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What type of activity requires a debt-settlement provider license in North Dakota?

What type of activity requires a debt-settlement provider license in North Dakota?

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Who is exempt from licensure as a debt-settlement provider in North Dakota?

Who is exempt from licensure as a debt-settlement provider in North Dakota?

A list of exempted entities and individuals is included in NDCC 13-11-01 (6).

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How can I determine if a debt-settlement provider is licensed to do business in North Dakota?

How can I determine if a debt-settlement provider is licensed to do business in North Dakota?

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What are the requirements to be a debt-settlement provider in North Dakota and how do I obtain a license?

What are the requirements to be a debt-settlement provider in North Dakota and how do I obtain a license?

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Is North Dakota a state which requires a physical presence for its debt-settlement provider license?

Is North Dakota a state which requires a physical presence for its debt-settlement provider license?

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What are the fees associated with obtaining a debt-settlement provider license in North Dakota?

What are the fees associated with obtaining a debt-settlement provider license in North Dakota?

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How often do I need to renew my debt-settlement provider license in North Dakota?

How often do I need to renew my debt-settlement provider license in North Dakota?

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If I work for a licensed debt-settlement provider, am I allowed to telework, work in a location other than the debt-settlement provider's headquarters?

If I work for a licensed debt-settlement provider, am I allowed to telework, work in a location other than the debt-settlement provider's headquarters?

Non-Depository Questions - Deferred Presentment Service Providers (Payday Lenders)

Non-Depository Questions - Deferred Presentment Service Providers (Payday Lenders)

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What type of activity requires a deferred presentment service provider license in North Dakota?

What type of activity requires a deferred presentment service provider license in North Dakota?

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How can I determine is a deferred presentment service provider is licensed to do business in North Dakota?

How can I determine is a deferred presentment service provider is licensed to do business in North Dakota?

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What are the requirements to be a deferred presentment service provider in North Dakota and how do I obtain a license?

What are the requirements to be a deferred presentment service provider in North Dakota and how do I obtain a license?

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Do I need to secure a separate license for each location that I operate in North Dakota?

Do I need to secure a separate license for each location that I operate in North Dakota?

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Is North Dakota a state which requires a physical presence for its deferred presentment service provider license?

Is North Dakota a state which requires a physical presence for its deferred presentment service provider license?

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What are the fees associated with obtaining a deferred presentment service provider license in North Dakota?

What are the fees associated with obtaining a deferred presentment service provider license in North Dakota?

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Can deferred presentment service providers provide title loans in North Dakota?

Can deferred presentment service providers provide title loans in North Dakota?

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How often do I need to renew my deferred presentment service provider license in North Dakota?

How often do I need to renew my deferred presentment service provider license in North Dakota?

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What is the maximum amount for a payday loan in North Dakota?

What is the maximum amount for a payday loan in North Dakota?

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What is the maximum fee for a payday loan in North Dakota?

What is the maximum fee for a payday loan in North Dakota?

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If I work for licensed deferred presentment service provider, am I allowed to telework, work in a location other than the deferred presentment service provider's headquarters?

If I work for licensed deferred presentment service provider, am I allowed to telework, work in a location other than the deferred presentment service provider's headquarters?

Non-Depository Questions - Money Brokers

Non-Depository Questions - Money Brokers

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What type of activity requires a North Dakota money broker's license?

What type of activity requires a North Dakota money broker's license?

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Is commercial lending considered to be a money brokering activity in North Dakota?

Is commercial lending considered to be a money brokering activity in North Dakota?

Yes, the broad definition of money brokering includes both consumer and commercial lending.

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How can I determine if an individual or entity is licensed as a money broker in North Dakota?

How can I determine if an individual or entity is licensed as a money broker in North Dakota?

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Who is exempt from licensure as a money broker in North Dakota?

Who is exempt from licensure as a money broker in North Dakota?

A list of individuals and entities exempt from money broker licensure requirements is found under NDCC 13-04.1-02.1

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What are the requirements to be a money broker in North Dakota and how do I obtain a license?

What are the requirements to be a money broker in North Dakota and how do I obtain a license?

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Is North Dakota a state which requires a physical presence for its money broker license?

Is North Dakota a state which requires a physical presence for its money broker license?

North Dakota does not require a physical presence for its money broker license.

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What are the fees associated with becoming a money broker in North Dakota?

What are the fees associated with becoming a money broker in North Dakota?

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How often do I need to renew my money broker license in North Dakota?

How often do I need to renew my money broker license in North Dakota?

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If I work for a licensed money broker, am I allowed to telework, work in a location other than the money broker's headquarters?

If I work for a licensed money broker, am I allowed to telework, work in a location other than the money broker's headquarters?

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Are loan late or NSF charges included in the calculation of the maximum loan interest rate allowed under North Dakota Century Code 13-04.1?

Are loan late or NSF charges included in the calculation of the maximum loan interest rate allowed under North Dakota Century Code 13-04.1?

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Are fees associated with additional products such as credit life insurance included in the calculation of the maximum loan interest rate allowed under North Dakota Century Code 13-04.1?

Are fees associated with additional products such as credit life insurance included in the calculation of the maximum loan interest rate allowed under North Dakota Century Code 13-04.1?

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Are NSF charges included in the maximum late payment charge allowed under North Dakota Century Code 13-04.1?

Are NSF charges included in the maximum late payment charge allowed under North Dakota Century Code 13-04.1?

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Are loan advance fees on lines of credit included in the calculation of the maximum loan interest rate allowed under North Dakota Century Code 13-04.1?

Are loan advance fees on lines of credit included in the calculation of the maximum loan interest rate allowed under North Dakota Century Code 13-04.1?

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If a line of credit is originated with a maximum draw of more than $50,000 but the initial advance is less than $50,000, is this loan subject to the $20 late fee cap?

If a line of credit is originated with a maximum draw of more than $50,000 but the initial advance is less than $50,000, is this loan subject to the $20 late fee cap?

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Are third party loan related fees incurred by the lender and passed onto the borrower such as the cost of a credit report, mortgage filing, lien filing, or appraisal necessary for the extension of credit included in the maximum loan interest rate allowed?

Are third party loan related fees incurred by the lender and passed onto the borrower such as the cost of a credit report, mortgage filing, lien filing, or appraisal necessary for the extension of

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Are collection costs such as court fees included in the late fee allowed under North Dakota Century Code 13-04.1?

Are collection costs such as court fees included in the late fee allowed under North Dakota Century Code 13-04.1?

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Does lead generation require a money broker license in North Dakota?

Does lead generation require a money broker license in North Dakota?

Non-Depository Questions - Money Transmitters

Non-Depository Questions - Money Transmitters

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What type of activity requires a money transmitter license in North Dakota?

What type of activity requires a money transmitter license in North Dakota?

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How can I determine if a money transmitter is licensed to do business in North Dakota?

How can I determine if a money transmitter is licensed to do business in North Dakota?

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Who is exempt from licensure as a money transmitter in North Dakota?

Who is exempt from licensure as a money transmitter in North Dakota?

A list of exclusions from the requirement for a money transmitters license can be found under NDCC 13-09-03.

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What are the requirements to be a money transmitter in North Dakota and how do I obtain a license?

What are the requirements to be a money transmitter in  North Dakota and how do I obtain a license?

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Is North Dakota a state which requires a physical presence for its money transmitter license?

Is North Dakota a state which requires a physical presence for its money transmitter license?

North Dakota does not require a physical presence for its money transmitter license.

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What are the fees associated with obtaining a money transmitter license in North Dakota?

What are the fees associated with obtaining a money transmitter license in North Dakota?

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How often do I need to renew my money transmitter license in North Dakota?

How often do I need to renew my money transmitter license in North Dakota?

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Is virtual currency regulated under North Dakota money transmitter statutes?

Is virtual currency regulated under North Dakota money transmitter statutes?

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My company holds flat currency in a digital wallet to facilitate peer-to-peer and/or business-to-business transactions. Does my company need a money transmitter license?

My company holds flat currency in a digital wallet to facilitate peer-to-peer and/or business-to-business transactions. Does my company need a money transmitter license?

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Do I need a money transmitter license to purchase, sell, or operate an exchange for virtual currency?

Do I need a money transmitter license to purchase, sell, or operate an exchange for virtual currency?

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My company holds fiat currency in a digital wallet for customers. The fiat currency is used to purchase virtual currency. Does my company need a money transmitter license?

My company holds fiat currency in a digital wallet for customers.  The fiat currency is used to purchase virtual currency. Does my company need a money transmitter license?

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My company hold fiat currency in a digital wallet for customers, which is used to purchase virtual or to transmit fiat currency to the customer's other accounts or digital wallets. Does my company need a money transmitter license?

My company hold fiat currency in a digital wallet for customers, which is used to purchase virtual or to transmit fiat currency to the customer's other accounts or digital wallets.

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My company holds fiat currency in a digital wallet for customers. The fiat currency can be transmitted to third parties at the direction of the owner of the wallet. Does my company need a money transmitter license?

My company holds fiat currency in a digital wallet for customers. The fiat currency can be transmitted to third parties at the direction of the owner of the wallet.

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My company has coin kiosks in North Dakota which are used to exchange fiat currency into virtual currency. Does my company need a money transmitter license?

My company has coin kiosks in North Dakota which are used to exchange fiat currency into virtual currency. Does my company need a money transmitter license?

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My company engages in foreign currency exchange. Does my company need a money transmitter license?

My company engages in foreign currency exchange. Does my company need a money transmitter license?

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If I work for a licensed money transmitter, am I allowed to telework, work in a location other than the money transmitter's headquarters?

If I work for a licensed money transmitter, am I allowed to telework, work in a location other than the money transmitter's headquarters?

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What types of receivables can be used to meet permissible investment requirements?

What types of receivables can be used to meet permissible investment requirements?

Non-Depository Questions - Mortgage Loan Originators (MLOs)

Non-Depository Questions - Mortgage Loan Originators (MLOs)

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What is a residential mortgage loan for purposes of North Dakota law?

What is a residential mortgage loan for purposes of North Dakota law?

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What is a Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) and do they need to be licensed in North Dakota?

What is a Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) and do they need to be licensed in North Dakota?

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How can I determine if a specific MLO is licensed in North Dakota?

How can I determine if a specific MLO is licensed in North Dakota?

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Who is exempt from licensure as an MLO?

Who is exempt from licensure as an MLO?

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How do I become licensed as an MLO in North Dakota?

How do I become licensed as an MLO in North Dakota?

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What are the fees associated with obtaining an MLO license in North Dakota?

What are the fees associated with obtaining an MLO license in North Dakota?

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Approximately how long does it take to process a new MLO license application in North Dakota?

Approximately how long does it take to process a new MLO license application in North Dakota?

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How often do I need to renew my MLO license in North Dakota?

How often do I need to renew my MLO license in North Dakota?

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Where do I complete my education and testing requirements to become a licensed MLO?

Where do I complete my education and testing requirements to become a licensed MLO?

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What happens when a sponsorship withdrawal is submitted for an MLO?

What happens when a sponsorship withdrawal is submitted for an MLO?

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Can an MLO be sponsored by more than one money broker in North Dakota?

Can an MLO be sponsored by more than one money broker in North Dakota?

No, each MLO can only be sponsored by one North Dakota-licensed money broker.

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If I am a licensed mortgage loan originator that works for a licensed money broker, am I allowed to telework, work in a location other than the money broker's headquarters?

If I am a licensed mortgage loan originator that works for a licensed money broker, am I allowed to telework, work in a location other than the money broker's headquarters?

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Does North Dakota allow dual capacity?

Does North Dakota allow dual capacity?

Non-Depository Questions - Residential Mortgage Lender

Non-Depository Questions - Residential Mortgage Lender

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What type of activity requires a North Dakota residential mortgage lender license?

What type of activity requires a North Dakota residential mortgage lender license?

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Is commercial lending considered to be a residential mortgage activity in North Dakota?

Is commercial lending considered to be a residential mortgage activity in North Dakota?

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How can I determine if an individual or entity is licensed as a residential mortgage lender in North Dakota?

How can I determine if an individual or entity is licensed as a residential mortgage lender in North Dakota?

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Who is exempt from licensure as a residential mortgage lender in North Dakota?

Who is exempt from licensure as a residential mortgage lender in North Dakota?

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What are the requirements to be a residential mortgage lender in North Dakota and how do I obtain a license?

What are the requirements to be a residential mortgage lender in North Dakota and how do I obtain a license?

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Is North Dakota a state which requires a physical presence for its residential mortgage lender license?

Is North Dakota a state which requires a physical presence for its residential mortgage lender license?

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What are the fees associated with becoming a residential mortgage lender in North Dakota?

What are the fees associated with becoming a residential mortgage lender in North Dakota?

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How often do I need to renew my residential mortgage lender license in North Dakota?

How often do I need to renew my residential mortgage lender license in North Dakota?

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If I work for a licensed residential mortgage lender, am I allowed to telework, work in a location other than the residential mortgage lender's headquarters?

If I work for a licensed residential mortgage lender, am I allowed to telework, work in a location other than the residential mortgage lender's headquarters?

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Are loan late or NSF charges included in the calculation of the maximum loan interest rate allowed under North Dakota Century Code 13-12?

Are loan late or NSF charges included in the calculation of the maximum loan interest rate allowed under North Dakota Century Code 13-12?

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Are fees associated with additional products such as credit life insurance included in the calculation of the maximum loan interest rate allowed under North Dakota Century Code 13-12?

Are fees associated with additional products such as credit life insurance included in the calculation of the maximum loan interest rate allowed under North Dakota Century Code 13-12?

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Are NSF charges included in the maximum late payment charge allowed under North Dakota Century Code 13-12?

Are NSF charges included in the maximum late payment charge allowed under North Dakota Century Code 13-12?

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Are loan advance fees on lines of credit included in the calculation of the maximum loan interest rate allowed under North Dakota Century Code 13-12?

Are loan advance fees on lines of credit included in the calculation of the maximum loan interest rate allowed under North Dakota Century Code 13-12?

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If a line of credit is originated with a maximum draw of more than $50,000 but the initial advance is less than $50,000, is this loan subject to the $20 late fee cap?

If a line of credit is originated with a maximum draw of more than $50,000 but the initial advance is less than $50,000, is this loan subject to the $20 late fee cap?

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Are third party loan related fees incurred by the lender and passed onto the borrower such as the cost of a credit report, mortgage filing, lien filing, or appraisal necessary for the extension of credit included in the maximum loan interest rate allowed?

Are third party loan related fees incurred by the lender and passed onto the borrower such as the cost of a credit report, mortgage filing, lien filing, or appraisal necessary for the extension of

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Are collection costs such as court fees included in the late fee allowed under North Dakota Century Code 13-12?

Are collection costs such as court fees included in the late fee allowed under North Dakota Century Code 13-12?

Non-Depository Questions - Residential Mortgage Loan Servicer

Non-Depository Questions - Residential Mortgage Loan Servicer

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What type of activity requires a North Dakota residential mortgage loan servicer license?

What type of activity requires a North Dakota residential mortgage loan servicer license?

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How can I determine if an individual or entity is licensed as a residential mortgage loan servicer in North Dakota?

How can I determine if an individual or entity is licensed as a residential mortgage loan servicer in North Dakota?

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Who is exempt from licensure as a residential mortgage lender in North Dakota?

Who is exempt from licensure as a residential mortgage lender in North Dakota?

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What are the requirements to be a residential mortgage loan servicer in North Dakota and how do I obtain a license?

What are the requirements to be a residential mortgage loan servicer in North Dakota and how do I obtain a license?

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What are the fees associated with becoming a residential mortgage loan servicer in North Dakota?

What are the fees associated with becoming a residential mortgage loan servicer in North Dakota?

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How often do I need to renew my residential mortgage loan servicer license in North Dakota?

How often do I need to renew my residential mortgage loan servicer license in North Dakota?

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If I work for a licensed residential mortgage loan servicer, am I allowed to telework, work in a location other than the residential mortgage loan servicer's headquarters?

If I work for a licensed residential mortgage loan servicer, am I allowed to telework, work in a location other than the residential mortgage loan servicer's headquarters?