ND Census 2020 Complete Count Task Force Mission Statement:
The North Dakota Census 2020 Complete Count Task Force was established to plan and implement statewide outreach campaigns that raise awareness of the Census. We honor privacy, protect confidentiality, and conduct our work openly. The Task Force membership represents trusted North Dakota voices in communities and across the state and is charged with ensuring an accurate and complete count of all North Dakota residents.
Complete County Committees Formed and Trained
Recruitment Assistance:
An accurate count helps to ensure your community gets its future share of federal and state funds it needs, and your citizenry is equally represented in the legislative process. Every year for at least the past seven years, the Census Bureau has had to hire out-of-state workers to complete their various surveys in North Dakota. Census 2020 is too important to your community in North Dakota to take for granted!
Positions needed ($18-$21/hour):
- Recruiting assistants travel throughout geographic areas to visit with community-based organizations, attend promotional events and conduct other recruiting activities.
- Office operations supervisors assist in the management of office functions and day-to-day activities in one or more functional areas, including payroll, personnel, recruiting, field operations and support.
- Clerks perform various administrative and clerical tasks to support various functional areas, including payroll, personnel, recruiting, field operations and support.
- Census field supervisors conduct fieldwork to support and conduct on-the-job training for census takers, and/or to follow-up in situations where census takers have confronted issues such as not gaining entry to restricted areas.
- Census takers work in the field. Some field positions require employees to work during the day to see addresses on buildings. Other field positions require interviewing the public, so employees must be available to work when people are usually at home such as in the evening and on weekends.
Every year for at least the past seven years, the Census Bureau has had to hire out-of-state workers to complete their various surveys in North Dakota. Census 2020 is too important to your community in North Dakota to take for granted!
Get Involved
Funding Assistance Program:
North Dakota’s Complete Count Committees may be eligible for project funding assistance. Projects must have a regional or statewide impact, reach traditionally undercounted populations or target census worker recruitment. A maximum of $5,000 per project will be considered, while funds are available. Applications will be accepted through April 30, 2020.