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Funding Assistance Application

North Dakota’s Complete Count Committees may be eligible for project funding assistance. Projects must have a regional or statewide impact, reach traditionally undercounted populations or target census worker recruitment. A maximum of $5,000 per project will be considered, while funds are available. Applications will be accepted through April 30, 2020.

Who is Eligible: North Dakota Complete Count Committees – attach reporting documentation

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Requirements for Release of Funds:

  1. Financial Report showing total project expenditures
  2. Submission of invoice to Commerce Department (eligible expenses must be submitted no later than April 30, 2020)
  3. Invoice must include application number
  4. Review/Approval of Invoices a. Applications up to $2,500 – Task Force Co-Chairs
  5. Applications over $2,500 – Task Force Executive Committee
  6. Maximum of $5,000 per application for qualifying activity
  7. Final Review and Approval of Invoice by Commerce Department
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Email application to:
Questions: North Dakota Department of Commerce
Attn: Louise Dardis
PO Box 2057
Bismarck, ND 58502

Census 2020 Project Funding Assistance