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ND Department of Commerce participated in a Free Multi-State Placemaking Best Practices Exchange Workshop that was held in Minot ND. 

Placemaking is a collaborative process among public, private, and community partners to strategically improve the social, cultural, and economic structure of a community.  Community-driven placemaking plays a key role in creating healthy, prosperous communities where people want to live, work, play, and learn. To support this notion, the Multi-State Placemaking Best Practices Exchange Workshop aims to showcase effective placemaking approaches for communities, introduce attendees to placemaking resources and tools, and connect with placemaking experts from other states. 

ND Department of Commerce supports placemaking as a catalyst to enhance the statewide attraction of businesses, promotion of economic activity, and the retention and attraction of talented workers, thus strengthening the economic resiliency across North Dakota communities.  

Click here to view the videos and presentations

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Visit Minot

Strengthen ND

Minot Chamber EDC