
The mission of the North Dakota State Library is to strengthen and enhance ND libraries, connect people to reliable resources, and ignite lifelong learning.

Visit the website for more details and contact information

General Questions

General Questions

Why are there blocks on my account?

Account blocks are usually due to an expired account or charge on an account.  Please contact us to help resolve account issues.

How do I get a library card?

Library cards can be obtained in person at the state library or by filling out our online application.

How do I borrow materials?

To borrow materials, you will need a state library card.  The state library’s collection is searchable through our online catalog. Items can be put on hold to pick up at the state library or we can mail them to you.

How do I return a book that was mailed to me?

Books sent by mail can be returned to the state library by mail or in-person.  The borrowing patron is responsible for return postage.

How do I return materials to the vending machines?

Material borrowed from vending machines should be returned to the same machine.  Use the green return item button on the touchscreen and follow the onscreen instructions.

How do I access the online library resources (or databases)?

Online resources can be accessed through our website by logging in using your library card and password.

Book Vending Machines

The North Dakota State Library has ten book vending machines located throughout the state.

What is a book vending machine?

  • A book vending machine is a miniature library that allows State Library card holders to check out and return books.

Where can I find the book vending machines?

  • A & S Country Market in Carson, Agassiz Valley Human Service Zone in Hillsboro, Burke County Courthouse in Bowbells, Fort Ransom State Park (visitor's center - no park pass needed), McClusky City Hall, McHenry County Courthouse in Towner, ND State Capitol in Bismarck, Oliver County Courthouse in Center, Sioux County Clerk of Court in Fort Yates, and the Slope County Courthouse in Amidon.
  • For hours and addresses please visit the Book Vending Machine page.

What types of books are available in the book vending machines?

  • There are an assortment of popular fiction and non-fiction books for adults, teens, and children.

Is there a limit to how many books I can check out at the book vending machines?

  • Yes. You can check out a maximum of three books at a time

How long can I keep a book I check out?

  • The circulation period for all North Dakota State Library materials is two months. There are no renewals.

Is there a cost to use the book vending machines?

  • There is no cost to use the book machines. However, you will need a North Dakota State Library card

Can I return or exchange a book from the book vending machine?

  • Technically, yes. However, we load the machine almost to capacity, so there may not be room if you try to return it to another location. You can also package your book and mail it back to the North Dakota State Library, 604 E. Boulevard Ave., Bismarck, ND 58505.

Can I suggest books to be added to a book vending machine?

  • Not at this time.

Are book vending machines accessible for people with disabilities?

  • Yes.

Who maintains and stocks book vending machines?

  • The North Dakota State Library is responsible for maintaining and restocking the machines.

How often are new books added to the book vending machines?

  • Our intention is to replace books quarterly.

Can I use my local library card to borrow books from the book vending machine?

  • No. You will need to use a North Dakota State Library card.

Why won’t the book vending machine scan my card?

  • Scanning can sometimes be a bit tricky. Hold your card about 4 inches below the scanner and a couple inches away from the screen. There is a target red dot about the size of a quarter. Sometimes it helps to hold out the back of your hand to find the sweet spot.

I need help! Who do I contact?

  • For any questions or problems with the machines, please contact the North Dakota State Library at (701) 328-4622 or send an email to

State Library Contact Information

Contact Information:

Patrons (library account, InterLibrary Loan, reference request) 
Phone: (701) 328-4622 or 800-472-2104 

Administration (Libraries, State Agencies, general inquiries) 
Phone: (701) 328-2492 
Fax: (701) 328-2040 



Department offices are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.


The State Library is located in the Liberty Memorial Building (the building with the large pillars) at 604 East Boulevard Avenue on the Capitol Grounds in Bismarck, North Dakota.

Mailing Address:

North Dakota State Library 
604 E Boulevard Ave Dept 250 
Bismarck ND 58505-0800

For more information, please visit our general informationpage.

Where is the North Dakota State Library located?

The North Dakota State Library is located in the Liberty Memorial Building on the east side of the State Capitol grounds, right next to the Heritage Center.

What services does the North Dakota State Library offer?

The North Dakota State Library provides services for all North Dakota libraries, state government agencies and employees, and all residents of North Dakota, particularly those who do not have local public library services.

How can I get a library card from the North Dakota State Library?

Getting a ND State Library card is easy, just fill out our online form

What are the operating hours of the State Library?

The North Dakota State Library is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Can I visit the North Dakota State Library?

Absolutely. The public is welcome to visit during open hours.

Does the North Dakota State Library offer access to e-books and e-audiobooks?

Yes. The North Dakota State Library in partnership with a majority of the public libraries in the state provide downloadable e-books and audiobooks through the Libby app.

I get Libby books through my local public library; is there any advantage of having a North Dakota State Library card as well?

We have a shared collection with the public libraries so there are not any “exclusive” titles for state library patrons. A reserve made with a state library card will not “bump you up the list” either. Reserves through Libby are filled by order of request. 

Can I borrow books from the North Dakota State Library?

Yes. Our collection is somewhat limited and focused heavily on state documents. Items borrowed from the North Dakota State Library will be mailed to patrons free of charge. However, you are responsible for return postage.

Can I borrow books from other libraries through the North Dakota State Library?

Yes. North Dakota State Library patrons may request and borrow items from other libraries through Interlibrary Loan.

How can I renew my borrowed items from the North Dakota State Library?

Items from the North Dakota State Library collection have a two-month circulation period and are not renewable. Items borrowed through Interlibrary Loan usually have a much shorter borrowing period and renewals are at the discretion of the supplier library.

Is there Wi-Fi available at the North Dakota State Library?

Yes, Wi-Fi is available in the ground floor reading room

Does the North Dakota State Library provide research assistance?

Yes. North Dakota State Library will provide research assistance for North Dakota residents and state employees free of charge. We can also provide training to become a better searcher and how to use our online resources.

Does the North Dakota  State Library provide genealogy help?

No. The North Dakota State Library does provide access to Ancestry Library Edition, which must be accessed in house at the State Library or your local library. For additional genealogy resources, contact your local public library or historical society. The reference department at the North Dakota State Archives provides assistance with genealogy research for a fee.

Can I donate books to the State Library?

No. The North Dakota State Library does not accept donations except in very rare circumstances.

I can’t make it into the North Dakota State Library during open hours, can I still check out items?

Yes. Patrons can reserve items using our online Library Catalog or by calling the patron services department at (701) 328-4622 or emailing them at Items borrowed from the North Dakota State Library will be mailed to patrons free of charge, however you are responsible for return postage.

Kit FAQ's

Kit FAQ's

What types of kits are available at the State Library?

The North Dakota State Library has an assortment of book club, STEM, and outdoor activity kits available.

Can anyone borrow a kit from the State Library?

Yes. Kits can be checked out to individuals, libraries, and organizations. A NDSL library card is required to borrow all materials, including kits. We have a handful of STEM kits which are restricted to library use only, due to grant restrictions.

Is there a cost to borrow the kits?

There is no cost to borrow a kit. Patrons have the option of picking up and returning them to the State Library or having them mailed. Kits which are mailed will be sent to patrons free of charge. However, you are responsible for return postage. Please be aware some of the kits weigh over 20lbs and postage is over $1 per pound.

How do I place a request?

After you have found the item you want to request, click on the item to bring up the whole item record. On the right side of the screen click PLACE REQUEST. Enter your barcode information to log in, if you have not done so already. Click Submit Request in the blue box at the bottom. That's it!

When will I receive my kit?

Kits are checked out and sent in the mail on the activation date you put when you reserved the kit. If you need the kit by a certain date, please set your activation date a week earlier than when you want the kit. Example, if you want it on the 15th then set your activation date as the 7th or 8th. This will ensure your kit will be sent in the mail before you wish to start using it.

Can I put things on hold months in advance?

The answer is YES, you can! In the Submit Request screen, there is a category for Activation Date, followed by a box. The system defaults to today's date. However, if you make a change, the new activation date is when the kit will be pulled and shipped, if the kit is available, not the date you will receive it.

How do I change the hold activation date?

  • Go to the Requests tab in your account. Tick the box for the item and then click Suspend/Reactivate Selected. Enter the date you would like the hold to activate and click Submit.
  • Please be aware that just like any other library item placed on hold, a delayed request does not guarantee the item will be available on that date. We have multiple copies of many of the STEM kits but only have singles of the Book Club kits. To help lessen potential delays, please return kits promptly when you are done using them.

Are the kits suitable for all ages?

Some of the kits are suitable for all ages, but most are geared toward specific age groups. A description of each kit and recommended age groups is included in the record of our online Library Catalog for each item.

What else do I need to know about kits?

The State Library pays for shipping one way, which means the borrower pays the cost for return shipping. The cost to ship a kit depends on weight. Each kit has been weighed, and that information is in the Notes field in the catalog record. Currently, shipping through USPS costs about $1.00 per pound, so please plan accordingly before you request a kit. If you live outside of the Bismarck/Mandan area, we will automatically mail the kit to the address on your account. If you wish to have the kit sent elsewhere, like your local library, please call us so we can put notes in your account.

How long can I keep a kit?

All kits will have an 8-week circulation period.  There is a limit of one kit at a time for individuals and organizations without prior approval from the Patron Services Director.  There is a limit of three kits at a time for libraries and schools without prior approval from the Patron Services Director.

ListServ FAQ's

ListServ FAQ's


  • NDSL-ACADEMIC is a listserv for academic librarians and State Library professionals. This listserv allows the ability to communicate with one another, share information, and discuss issues.  The State library will use it to post information relevant to academic librarians.
  • Subscribe to NDSL-ACADEMIC
  • Subscription has to be approved


  • NDSL-LIBYAC is a listserv for librarians who work with young adults and children.
  • Subscribe to NDSL-LIBYAC
  • Subscription has to be approved


  • NDSL-NDPUBLICLIB is a listserv for public library directors. This list allows public library directors and State Library professionals the ability to communicate with one another, share information, and discuss issues. The State Library will use it to provide updates as well as post other information relevant to public library directors. If you are a public library director, you should have been added to this list.
  • Subscribe to NDSL-NDPUBLICLIB
  • Subscription has to be approved


  • NDSL-STATECAT is a listserv for the libraries for which the State Library catalogs.  We will use it to disseminate information to you, but something to understand is that while all the libraries that are on this list are ones that have their cataloging done by the Statewide Catalog Development dept., the details of each library vary.  Some libraries are members of ODIN.  Some use stand-alone products like Atriuum or LibraryWorld as their circulation system.
  • Subscribe to NDSL-STATECAT
  • Subscription has to be approved


  • NDSL-TRIBAL is a listserv for tribal librarians and State Library professionals. This listserv allows the ability to communicate with one another, share information, and discuss issues.  The State library will use it to post information relevant to tribal librarians.
  • Subscribe to NDSL-TRIBAL
  • Subscription has to be approved


Talking Book Program FAQ's

Talking Book Program FAQ's

Who is eligible for the Talking Book Program?

Any resident of the United States or American citizen living abroad who is unable to read or use regular print materials as a result of temporary or permanent visual or physical limitations may receive service through NLS. This includes those who are blind or have a visual, physical, perceptual, or reading disability that prevents them from reading or handling print materials.

How can I enroll in the Talking Book Program?

Your first step is to fill out the application on our website. (link) The application is a fillable PDF which can be mailed, faxed, or scanned and emailed. There is a certification requirement as part of the application process. Page four has the certification information and provides a list of professionals who are eligible to certify.

What materials are available through the Talking Book Program?

Popular fiction by well-known authors and non-fiction if in a large variety of subjects are available for adults, teens, and children. They are available as both audio and braille books. Additionally, Talking Books patrons can borrow materials from the North Dakota State Library, of which we have many large print titles to choose from.

How do I receive materials from the Talking Book Program?

Audiobooks are available in two formats. The most common is a cartridge which is played back on a specialized Digital Talking Books machine. The other option is a digital download to your Apple or Android phone or tablet using the BARD (braille and audio reading download) app. Braille is also offered in two formats, hard copy print and as a BARD download to a Braille e-reader.

Are there fees or costs associated with the Talking Book Program?

There are no costs or fees for the Talking Books Program. All items are sent from and returned to the North Dakota State Library through the United States Postal Service Free Matter for the Blind program.

Can I request specific titles through the Talking Book Program?

Absolutely. After you are signed up for service, you can call or email requests which will be added to your patron account.

How long can I borrow materials from the Talking Book Program?

You can borrow books on cartridge for two months. The Digital Talking Books machine is yours to keep as long are you are enrolled in the program. The machine and cartridges are property of the United States Government and must be returned to the North Dakota State Library when you discontinue service.

Are there volunteer opportunities available in the Talking Book Program?

Yes. We are always looking for people to read and record books and magazines for the program. Contact the North Dakota State Library (701) 328-4622  and ask for the Patron Services Director for more information.

I need technical support! Who do I contact?

If you ever have any questions or problems, please contact the North Dakota State Library (701) 328-4622 and one of the patron service associates will be happy to assist.