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State Data Resources

The North Dakota State Data Center, housed in the Department of Commerce, serves as the state's primary source for demographic information and official liaison to the U.S. Census Bureau, managing population estimates, projections, and census-related programs statewide.

If you need more in-depth information than the resources found here, please contact Nigel Haarstad, State Demographer, 701-328-5394.


Select high-level energy statistics for North Dakota produced and maintained by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Home page for the North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network, which publishes weather data and visualizations related to North Dakota.

Tool maintained by the North Dakota Agricultural Weather Network that enables users to create custom tables containing hourly weather data from stations across North Dakota.

Page maintained by the North Dakota Department of Water Resources containing maps and data related to North Dakota water resources.

Page maintained by the North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources containing reports and data on North Dakota oil and gas production.

Page maintained by the North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources containing geospatial tools displaying geological information for North Dakota.

GIS tool published by the North Dakota Department of Agriculture that displays the location of sensitive areas such as active apiaries and vineyards.


Get In Touch With Us

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Get In Touch With Us
ND Commerce

The North Dakota Department of Commerce is the lead agency charged with growing our state and improving the quality of life for our people.  

Our divisions - Administration, Community Services, Economic Development, Tourism and Marketing, and Workforce Development currently provide programs and services to support business, workforce and community development in partnership with local leaders.

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Come say hello at our office.
1600 E Century Ave Suite 6
Bismarck, ND 58503

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Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
(701) 328-5300