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Everybody Counts

Do you ever get that feeling you are just another face in the crowd? It’s time to get over that. 

On April 1, 2020, the United States will conduct its constitutionally mandated decennial (10 year) census to determine the current population of the United States. Why is this important? The census count will be used to determine – among other things – how seats within the U.S. House of Representatives are divided among states and how federal funds are dispersed to each state. 

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What’s at Stake Financially 

It is easy to understand the importance of the census when you look at the financial figures. In fiscal year 2015, $1.45 billion in federal funds were allocated to programs in North Dakota based upon resident count from Census 2010 and subsequent annual population estimates. These programs include: Medicaid, highway construction, Head Start, Foster Care, SNAP, Low Income Energy Assistance, Special Education and other programs. That means approximately $19,100 in federal funds is missed per resident over ten years. Of all the statistics we live with, the census count is one of the longest-lasting as the census occurs only once every decennial.

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Not counting everyone can cost North Dakota dearly: 

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Be A Community Champion!

The U.S. Census Bureau needs community champions in North Dakota for Census 2020. Civic minded individuals who care about their communities are needed to help in the enumeration for Census 2020.  Schedule are flexible with a pay range between $18 and $21 an hour. No previous experience is needed. You must be 18 years old, a U.S. Citizen and complete a background check. There are a wide variety of positions available, to check them out click the button below.

Apply Now

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April 1 , 2020National Census Day

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North Dakota Contact Information

Kevin Iverson
Census Office Manager



Gabi Proffitt
Census Assistant